Here you will find answers to the questions we often get.

What is a debt collection claim?If you have not paid on an invoice and have not acted on the reminder, you will receive a debt collection claim. A charge of SEK 180 is added to your debt and you have 8 days to pay to avoid further action.
What are collection costs?Collection costs are compensation for actions aimed at getting a person to pay their debt. The levels for the various costs are regulated in the Act (1981:739) on compensation for collection costs etc.
What is an installment plan?What is an installment plan? It is an agreement that allows you to divide outstanding amounts into fixed monthly installments. When you enter into an installment plan, costs are added according to the Act (1981:739) on compensation for debt collection costs etc.
What are legal actions?This means that the claim is forwarded to a legal body for recovery, e.g. the Swedish Crown Bailiff Authority or the High Court.
What is an application for a payment order?If we do not receive payment or hear from you within the deadline for the debt collection claim, we will normally submit an application for a payment order to the Bailiff. The Kronofogden then takes over the handling to determine the debt.
When will you receive a payment notification?When the Kronofogden has announced a decision in a case, i.e. ascertained the debt, the Credit Information Companies are notified of this. In connection with this, you will receive a payment note. For private individuals, this is then registered for three years.
What is enforcement?When the result is published, we usually request that the decision be carried out, i.e. enforced. The Kronofogden will then carry out an investigation of your finances. They check, for example, whether there is salary that needs to be garnished, or whether there is something they can sell so that the creditor gets paid.

For other questions, contact customer service